Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
04 October, 2004 :: 2:21 a.m.
hey, you ladies ever been penetrated?

So, I guess that I should say something about last night: fucking awesome, it was. As if you really expected me to say anything different. but tonight the people in michigan got neil young as a surprise guest. LUCKY BASTARDS. our show is already out, and i've almost got it completely downloaded. wow. our tapers are just the best. um, I'm not going to go into a detailed analysis of each song, as I already do that on antsmarching, where they actually care. :) rather, i'll just confirm that is was indeed, a really kicking show. even though stupid people booed dave for telling them to vote. not who to vote FOR, mind you; simply, go vote. but whatever. people are retards and that's just it. i wish Blake had been there...

the other night with david was actually a pretty good time. despite what's gone down with us we still can get along disturbingly well. when we have to. and on the plus side, i got some bitching accessories for my halloween costumes. now all's i need are some handcuffs. *evil grin*

female genital mutilation. definitely.... i've already requested mad amounts of literature on it, so i'm definitely comitted to the topic.

the person i bought the cactus from said this about me: "One of the nicest humans encountered in over 111 explored worlds. Cool!"

ha ha ha. best feedback ever.
on a darker note... my fingernails are going to be green forever from skinning the damn things. i swear to god if this shit starts to smell up my room, i'm gonna.... well, i'll be really annoyed, anyway. the price we pay for going on a good trip these days. priceless.

cabbages and kings
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