Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
07 November, 2004 :: 12:37 a.m.
in the country.

sitting in this house. situation with mom is... well. stable, anyway. so, the computer room here, is the room that would have been mine, had i not decide to you know, shack up with david all those years ago. i really do like this room. i'm sitting here looking out the windows into total blackness. that's one thing i totally miss about living in the country. where i am now it's doesn't get dark. at least not dark enough for me. you know,it bugs me when people, they're drinking, and they feel the need to TELL you they are drunk. "just as a disclaimer." bullshit. you just wanted attention. i have half my paper done. ore more than half. since it's not finished yet i'm not really sure where it is... but it "feels" like a midpoint.

vaginas. i am so goddamn tired of talking and reading about vaginas. when i was giving my presentation, i remember, after explaining what "infibulation" is (go look it up, it's a hoot), the look of sheer and utter terror and shock on everyone's face. i said yeah, THIS is what i've been reading about for the last month and a half. but. tis almost done. almost.

yesterday. my god... yesterday, i had to end up taking something to modern languages. which meant, having to see justin. many of you are prolly thinking hmm, that's a familiar name i've not heard in a while. well yeah. he became a lying limp dicked little shit. damn, that felt good. anyway, i should mention at this point that i have not come face to face and spoken with him in, oh, a good two and a half months or so. yeah. i was not ready for that confrontation. although i don't think i would have ever been ready for it. i'm just so pissed about the shitty way he turned out. not that i am still into him mind you, i've seen who he really is, and i don't want to get my hands on that train wreck. really, i'm just mad at myself for having immeasurably awful judgement in chracter. i mean i really thought that one was different, so it was truly a shock. i'm still reeling from the shock actually. next time i won't be duped so easily. so there. anyway... i practically threw what i had to deliver to him, gave a polite thanks and got the fuck out of dodge. fortunately, i was looking pretty fetching if i say so, and having the best hair day to date. (i cannot believe i just thought in terms of that) and since it was i who had the element of the sneak attack, i felt pretty good about it. cripes. if this reads even half as stupid as it's sounding in my head, i'm sort of looking a lot like a high school girl right about now. only, in high school i didn't have this amazing rack!!!

heh. i hope that made you laugh as much as it made me.

cabbages and kings
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