Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
11 November, 2004 :: 11:14 p.m.
an open letter to everyone i know:

I am officially done with talking about the election and all that it entailed. i am tired of it. what i am most tired of is what it's made me into. i've never been a really political sort, and for the longest time i didn't really give a shit about this election either. but something about the whole thing stirred a bad side of me. i don't like politics and religion for the same reasons. the labels. if you say you're something like a republican or a christian, people automatically make assumptions about you, and i think that's bunk. i don't really think i fall into any sort of catergory, religious or politically. i'm a mish mash of all sorts of different ones. anyway, this time round i really felt myself get angry at people for voting for bush. friends of mine, whom i know are religious or conservative, i found myself looking at them like, oh they're one of "them." wtf? that's not me. so yeah, i don't like what it did to me. i actually found myself losing respect for some of my family and friends as a result of this crap, which is messed up. i also don't like how it pits everyone else against each other. that's shite. in the most recent dayton impact, which is a fairly liberalish weekly city zine, in the news to the editor section, there are a few libs bitching, of course, but they were written fairly well and convincingly well done. one, however, was from a republican, who constantly retorted with the word "duh" and went so far as to call pro choiceers "baby murderers." now let me just say this. that kind of fucking name calling is not only inappropriate but it PISSES ME OFF. if that person, or any other person has the gall to call me a baby murderer, just because i happen to be pro choice, not only will i whip out a picture of my son and shove it in his face but i will then proceed to rip his jaw apart with my right hand and yank out his teeth with my left. to make a necklace, you see. anyway, my point is, people are so fucking judgemental. if you don't believe what others believe, and follow their rules, you can't play ball. i hate hate hate all that shit. i mean, who are we to tell people, just because they're gay, they cannot get married? what gives anyone that right. to condemn someone simply because of who they love. i swear, i'm at the point of just telling people i'm a lesbian. really. just so i can go and make out with a chick in front of my friends and make them uncomfortable as hell. and then i'll say, so am i wrong? do you like me any less? am i a different person than i was before, now that i like women? i feel like i should force them into making a choice and if that makes them disown me, then damn them all. i'm not even gay. isn't it strange that a straight person sees how incredibly messed up this is? i am against abortion. vehemently. let this not suggest, however, that i think i have the right to control what another woman does with her body. i don't. and neither does anyone else. but with the way this country is going, god. who knows. we're just one more step away fascisn you know. we really are. but it's fine, because people wanted it. i wonder what these people will do when we start losing jobs. or what they'll say when they die. and realize that's it. no heaven, no hell. this was it. i've never thought of myself as a liberal. but other people, have decided to put this label on me, just because i do not follow every single one of their rules. well. too bad. i won't conform. i refuse. i might not follow every rule of certain religions, but i am a really fucking moralistic person. anyone who knows me know, i don't lie, i don't cheat, i am a good person, and i am fiercely loyal to those i love. yet, according to some, i am going to hell. to say i say, fuck you. i know i am a good person. and that is all that matters to me. and if there is a god, if he doesn't like that i don't follow his rules, then fuck that god too. i will not follow a god that tells me i am going to hell, even though i live a moral life and treat people well. people think this country is so wonderful. all our freedom. well my pretties, democracy has a price, and freedom is not real. if you're white, rich, straight, god fearing, and follow the rules, then yes. you have freedom. however, if you deviate from the formula in any way at all, forget it. freedom is but an illusion.

especially if this is true. everyone's heard a lot of rumors about the vote counting being tampered with and whatnot. well. what if it's true? i mean, isn't anyone else seriously bothered by this? am i really the only one? and i hate that conservatives will say i am only another liberal whining. had the polls shown kerry won, the conservatives would be saying the same thing. so don't give me that crap. our country is becoming a joke, and the world knows it.

ok, that's it. i am so done with this shit, you don't even know. i just wish i didn't live in such a judgementally fucked up society. so i guess that's my 11/11 wish, eh? well, in about a year and a half it will come true. so yay.

cabbages and kings
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