Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
22 November, 2004 :: 11:11 p.m.
my eyes are bored.

with my life. with my surroundings. i need a major change of scenery. and fast. i don't know if i can wait the year and a half it will take to get me out.

sometimes i am quiet. i don't feel like talking. take no offense. it's just me working through things.

so few love me sober. it takes getting high on something to admit to it.

i will not be used.

i am sick of games. from everyone. seriously. i won't tolerate you people any longer.

justin left a very foul taste in my mouth.

it will not happen again.

"good lovers make great enemies..."

(what do BAD lovers make?)

cabbages and kings
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