Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
14 December, 2004 :: 10:36 p.m.
dragon city

has the best chinese. hands down. they also, have the best fortune cookies. i got two. they always give you two, and the first said "everyone agrees you are the best." heh. of course they do. and the second, "you have a natural grace and great consideration for others." of course i do. if these things are, in fact, true, then why is it... er. fuck. nevermind. it doesn't matter :) incidentally, i've also learned how to say "automobile" in chinese. which, strangely enough looks alot like the word quiche, when transliterated into english. I don't know exactly what this means, but I have a feeling it means something pretty important.

I guess asking someone not to lurk on your turf or leave you notes does no good in this day and age. the only people who leave me notes anymore are ones that shouldn't be. blech.

I know everyone is prolly tired of hearing me blather on about sex and the city. but, shit. it's so insightful. for a gal who doesn't know what the hell she is doing in the relationship game. so, tonight right, a rousing discussion on the pros and cons of boundaries that define a relationship. after reflection on a few of my past romps in relationship lane, i wonder if it's even necessary? i mean... why can't we just, you know, stop obsessing with the need to define things? and just... have fun and be happy with each other? if you're always so concerned with figuring out "what you are" you're wasting time on that when you can just be enjoying the other person. right? i dunno. it CAN work. maybe putting labels on things makes people feel more comfortable and safe. or something. i'm the last person to be an expert on it anyway, but still. an interesting topic to ponder, indeed.

cabbages and kings
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