Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
19 December, 2004 :: 4:23 a.m.
the suspicious lumpiness is no more.

and surely a tumor does not enlarge and shrink on a whim, right? eh, fuck it. i'm fine.

you should not have done that. anyone is free to join my notifylist. anyone whom is my friend, that is. if i feel you should not be reading my shit, i will remove you. as you have already found out, i'm sure. i dare you to try it again you sick fuck.

it's just a pose. you know.
every smile is a lie.
every i'm fine is full of shit.
but you won't get anymore out of me.
cause god knows i wouldn't want to
i just like being quiet. i prefer it.
get over it.
my self imposed solitude suits me just fine.

in times of trouble i consult my bible. the ayn randian readings, you know. and these my friends, are indeed troubled times.

cabbages and kings
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