Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
23 December, 2004 :: 3:00 a.m.
we had the feeling that whatever we were doing...

... we were right. good discussion tonight. great discussion. between Blake and i, we have the thing figured out. we have the world figured out. people. everything. we are good like that.

the snow today. it hasn't stopped since it started. and right now there is some sort of evil bullshit hail sleet snow thing pounding on my window. how am i suppose to sleep with this going on five inches from my head? there is an inch of snow in my window. IN it. that came through the screen. heh. there is a thing directly below my window. i am certain it is a car. covered in snow. the only part visible is one of the side windows. it's not that snow has been shoveled onto it or drifts have blown onto it. we've just gotten a heinous amount of the stuff. 12-18 inches by tomorrow? fuck yeah. i was the only one adventerous enough to venture out in it around here today. i am lucky in that the grounds people never seem to want to clear out our area. i guess since we live on campus they want to make us suffer even more by trying to figure out on our own where the damn sidewalks are. and the speedbumps and parking space things aren't. bastards.

i've got a lot of ween on my mind. thank you Blake, for that.

how can someone expect forgiveness from another when they cannot even forgive themself? how?

cabbages and kings
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