Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
07 January, 2005 :: 12:01 a.m.
it has finally happened.

my years of procrastination have ended. as of today, i am a warehouse member. oh yes. i am. the only perk i really give a shit about is the whole buying of dmb tickets early. and so i shall. i just hope i'm, you know, IN THE COUNTRY when they decide to visit ohio. fucking a.

i got a new pipe the other day, in which to smoke up some salvia. it's petite and pretty. michigan colors. heh. i will be sure to document my experiments with that, when the time permits.

howard zinn is the shit. i mean, he mentioned by favorite book by bartholome de las casas. so he's alright by me. i've never thought of a comparison of bush and columbus before, but yeah. brilliant. rapists and pillagers abound.

mmm, that's good sasquatch...

cabbages and kings
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