Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
20 January, 2005 :: 10:51 p.m.
what, if i measure my life in rape dollars, and not in coffeespoons?

Gentle women and men of the jury, I submit to you bits of transcripts of a conversation whilst my mind was severely affected, before I get rid of my box. THIS box. Not THAT box. I have been instructed by my SA adopted dad to stop mentioned that I am female, on the internet. Whatever crabrock, WHATEVER. Some of my salvia came in. I couldn�t wait till the weekend. Oh, and to the person who is convinced it doesn't do anything to you: you don't know what you�re talking about.

sabineByrne: there was a lot of animation going on around here
sabineByrne: i thought this was a shop or something
Indiglonose: haha
sabineByrne: there was people in here and my room wasn't a room it was a wall. i kept wanting to walk around the wall.
sabineByrne: but it was all motion
sabineByrne: all i felt was this motion
sabineByrne: but i was in one place the whole time
sabineByrne: it's weird, i'd go in spurts
sabineByrne: there's be a few seconds of clarity, i'd see where i was and what was happening and then i woul fall back into it.
sabineByrne: but time was strange
sabineByrne: i kept thinking these people were doing things, and i would be remembering the things happening a long time ago. but i felt like it just happened
sabineByrne: people that were not here, mind you
sabineByrne: i broke my chair somehow
sabineByrne: i yanked myself around and broke a bit of it. but it still works... so far
Indiglonose: sort of makes reality seem less real huh
sabineByrne: i thought i was somewhere else
Indiglonose: but when the rules of physics are thrown out the door shit gets weird
Indiglonose: were there two things in the same place at the same time
Indiglonose: and things that were far away and close at the same time
sabineByrne: if i kept my eyes cklosed, i'd be lost in it. and thinking things were there that werent
sabineByrne: oh my god yes
sabineByrne: my spatial reality here was bad
sabineByrne: myself in relation to my chair, and m,y bed. it was all funky
Indiglonose: that stuff messes with my head
Indiglonose: but it helps you understand "infinity"
Indiglonose: sort of
Indiglonose: not really, but, nevermind, normal words in this place wont work
sabineByrne: no
sabineByrne: i would have really gotten wacky if i had let myself go. laying on the bed would, i think... make me see the universe.
Indiglonose: that stuff wraps my head around out of my ears and back in on itself
sabineByrne: but i have books and shit and things on it and so i couldnt. plus, from what i read, i was expecting it to completely debilitate me the second i inhaled. it took a bit. just about the time i was realizing how awful it tasted and took some water, was i losing grip, and feeling my sense of feeling leave me. like when pot creeps up on you. it's so subtle, but very strong at the same time. you know, like "good mescaline." heh.
sabineByrne: it's fucking wonderful
sabineByrne: now that i know how long it takes to hit me and all i think i can manage laying on the bed and getting it off there so i dont set my damn room on fire. before i lose it, you know
sabineByrne: jesus, i still feel it
sabineByrne: it's maddening

Proof of my terrible typing. And yes. I broke my chair. Already, I broke my damn chair. It's still sittable... for the time being. People don't believe me when I say I have a curse with chairs. (this is my fourth) Infidels!

Word of the day: RAPE DOLLARS. Ask me to use it in a sentence. ASK ME!!!!

cabbages and kings
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