Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
07 March, 2005 :: 12:36 a.m.
i live with a vapid cunt.

there, i said it. what kind of person leaves an empty roll of toilet paper ON THE SPINDLE, only to use what she needs from a brand new roll from our storage cabinet, all the while spitefully choosing not to replace the empty roll? that's worse than a man in the bathroom, and that's fucking sad. right now my trash can is piled to about three feet above the rim. i refuse to empty it. i ALWAYS empty it. just as i ALWAYS clean the bathroom. everyweek, i clean the fucker. when was the last time my fucking roommate cleaned it? oh,wait, NEVER. just as she has NEVER cleaned, mopped, or vacummed the rest of the house. at best she takes the trash out every now and again. explain to me, why, in two years of living here, said roommate has never PUT HER DISHES IN A DAMN CUPBOARD, like everyone else in the fucking house? it's not like we don't have ample cupboard space. WE HAVE TONS. no. instead, she has always insisted on splaying her dishes all over the fucking counter, conveniently, IN FRONT OF MY SHIT. every time i make coffee or have to get rice or flour i knock her crap all over the place. and why is it i am the only one in this fucking house that seems to want to use the dishwasher??? it's there idiots, USE IT. don't leave your nasty ass dishes in the fucking sink all week long, making it impossible for the rest of us to prepare food.


you know. when i first live here, the first two years, i had a routine. i would clean the fucking house. completely, every weekend. i'd never lived with girls before, and i thought, that this would be my way of trying to make the living together sort of easier. but you know something? by tuesday, the place would be wrecked. fuck. so i stopped my weekly cleaning. why should i do that crap when no one even appreciates it? now i clean sporadically, when i have time, which as everyone knows, IS NOT OFTEN. however, this does not prevent me from cleaning the fucking oven and counters when i make food. any asshole knows you should do that. any asshole, EXCEPT MY ROOMMATES, that is. i can't tell you how many times i've seen a fucking puddle (or few) of sticky nasty shit, that congeals on the stove. because people never clean after they cook. or crumbs if god knows what all over the damn counter. it's embarrasing as hell when people come over. i would never cook for anyone. and that's not fair, that my life is hindered by my dirty roommates.

what has made me suddenly lash out like this, you ponder?

recall, the overflowing trash can. seconds earlier, i go in my bathroom, which i might add, is getting nastier and nastier by the day (especially the toilet) and what do i find lying so strategically next to the trash can?? A FUCKING EMPTY PLASTIC SACK. that's right. she expects this to act as the new trash can. vapid. VAPID. i am leaving it. it can fucking rot. if i empty that damn trash can, i'm putting it back where it came from: MY ROOM.

jesus fucking christ i am pissed at the immaturity of the people i live with. obviously, i am the only one here who has experience not living under the care of mommy and daddy and am the only one who knows how to clean up after herself.

now you all know my dillema. what, i ask, is the best solution? i am trying to make myself as calm as possible, because if i don't, i will fucking go pound on her door and cuss her the hell out. i am so tired of being mistreated by this fucking snot. but i have to live with this snot, just the same. (THANK YOU HEATHER) i can't kick this girl out, so there has to be a way to fix this. without me losing my head and getting crazy.

i cannot wait until i fucking graduate.
i am through living with "people."

cabbages and kings
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