Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
15 March, 2005 :: 11:05 p.m.
caesar DIED today, you know.

assholes. show some respect.

you know, if I had one of these:

I could have saved his life. And I would have too. he would have owed me. BIG time.

Beware the ides... fuck that shit. my ides were great.

any day that brings me this:

but more especially, this:

brand new song people, BRAND NEW. listen to american baby. note the mandolin. it'll be interesting to see how they jam the end, live.

preorder? when i get my warehouse code, oh fuck yes. i gotta wait nearly two months for this. the bastards.

Germany, eh? Did I forget to mention I'm spending a month in Greece this summer? you bring me something, i'll bring you something. alcohol. your german alcohol for my greek; deal?
you still owe me a cd of music i might hate.

feed my pets and tape my shows.
be wary of the killer umbrellas.

cabbages and kings
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