Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
22 March, 2005 :: 11:52 p.m.

i wish i could just fix everything, you know? and i wish i knew how to make feel better about themselves, but i can't. especially when i'm not feeling fully trustworthy. been burned too many times and all, not really ready to have that happen again. forgive me for not wanting to get hurt.

i have a feeling that i'm going to fall in love with some beautiful greek man this summer. which, of course, will lead to the eventual heartbreak. it always does. i see it, and yet i don't stop it.

i've started recording my dreams. yeah. they're getting that wacky. i figure, someday, some shrink will want to know about these things, and if i don't write this crap down, nobody's going to believe this crazy shit that roams around in my head at night. between the sex with chinese women, and twins from my past, something is going to snap. and soon, i think.

it doesn't bother me that people read this. it's here, you do. that's cool. but it doesn't mean that you have to fucking comment on it. i don't care what you happen to think about something i may have written. the point of me blabbering on is not to give people conversation, it's to keep me from keeping all this shit inside and drive me batshit insane. if you read something interesting in here, that's fine. just don't say anything to me about it. it fucking freaks me out.

cabbages and kings
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