Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
18 April, 2005 :: 11:58 p.m.
so, someone showed me this article...

Why do you people think I'd be into this? WHY.

You know what I am into though? Getting blown off. Apparently that just gets my attention like nothing else. fuck.

The other day I saw a commercial for this drug called premarine. I think it was for menopause or some other girly ailment. Anyway, they say some of the side effects, yeah ok fine. but then something else that catches my attention: "if you have a uterus" then something something something can happen. whatever. It was the IF you have a uterus thing that got me. Who the fuck is going to be taking this medication who DOESN'T have a uterus. crazy.

"what do ya know, she's out of eggs. and if you're watching this; so are you." ~the simpsons

cabbages and kings
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