Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
21 April, 2005 :: 10:20 p.m.
i think i can start believing in god again.

or at least some ultimate higher power that has its hand in the universe. there can't not be. i just ignored the signs is all.

it was so amazing to be in a room surrounded by women who know exactly what i've gone through, and can share my pain. i'm not used to having so much support. it wasn't until tonight that i realized i had so little of it. i love being to help others in any way i can. i am so happy. and i feel like being so open about my life that it hurts.

my son can read. my son can write. he is a soccer player artist musician genius. he is happy, he is healthy and he knows where he came from.
things are as they should be.
and i am ok.

cabbages and kings
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