Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
06 June, 2005 :: 9:23 p.m.
sometimes i am sentimental to a fault.

i think it's amazing how people can mean so much to me so quickly. shit. it's also amazing how much something as stupid as a hug can hurt so much. but i guess the best way to get rid of a brokenheart is for the thing that caused it to leave your life. done and done.

on the bright side, i'm seeing the dmb TOMORROW. AND the next night. holy shit. i've been so busy lately i haven't had time to anticipate it and think about it, you know, daily, which is my custom. people think my fondness for them is so silly. but come on. the feeling i get at a concert is such a high, i'm actually happy. i'm never happy. why would anyone want me not to experience that? pfft.

how on earth will i ever sleep tonight?

cabbages and kings
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