Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
25 June, 2005 :: 12:40 a.m.
what was that again?

i can't deal with someone telling me they love me. in any form of that whole phrase. i don't know what it is about it, but i just never really believe it i guess. don't ever fucking tell me you were/are in love with me. i can't handle it. but at least i don't say "thanks" anymore, when someone says this to me. have i really said this in the past? yes, yes i have.

i also cannot deal with a vague message inquiring if i've had a pap since i've been with a certain person last. what... the fuck... are you trying to do to me ?!?!?! after frantically remembering that indeed i have, and remember that i am in fact, as they say on the street, "clean," all is ok again. in that area.

in the other area... what, no really, WHAT did i do? i'm not a fucking mind reader. i'm also an idiot. is it SO hard for men to just be, oh i dunno, blunt and honest about things? seriously, i upset men so easily, it's quite unbelievable at times. fuck it. i need to stop befriending people who take so much from me and refuse to give anything in return. actually, i just need to stop sleeping with them. baby steps...

cabbages and kings
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