Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
21 July, 2005 :: 6:59 p.m.

First of all:

Will get you the bloggie thing we've got going on now.

Second of all... I don't want to leave. Not that that's a surprise, but I don't think I can explain how terrified I am of leaving this place. Really. Almost every night, (when I actually get to sleep, no thanks to the very loud snoring person five feet from me) it's involving being home but doing things that involve here. I'm going to be dreaming about things like convex body sherds for a very long time. But now I've got less than two weeks in this place, and it's starting to bother me. Bad.

I never thought I'd come here to have the bext pizza and ice cream in my life. Or that I'd actually kind of dig porkchops, but you never know.

Sleep is a little precious thing here, for many reasons. It is near impossible to sleep. And the one night the snoring person was gone for the night, rather than catching up on sleep, what did I do? Stayed out with a boy all night long. Literally. Hey, I saw the sunrise over the Corinthian canal, and that was pretty spiffy. It's been quite a bit since I've have one of those all night dates (think, jared), but it was really long over due. Doesn't mean it's going to make it any easier to leave, cause it's not. Harder, much much harder.

I am so happy here.

cabbages and kings
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