Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
05 August, 2005 :: 2:54 p.m.
I cannot stop crying.

Which is bothering me, mainly because it's fairly unlike me. I can't seem to talk or even think of Corinth without losing my head over all of it. I don't think I can fully explain just how much I do not want to be here right now. I am still on Greece time. I look at the clock, and I think seven hours ahead. I want to be seven hours ahead. I can hardly believe that less than four days ago I was at work, doing an entirely different job than I am now, and then madly in love for the moment with a beautiful older greek boy. I don't know if it's the place or the person I've left behind that I miss the most. Knowing I'm going to be back next year isn't enough, and the fact that the only reason I was looking forward to coming back, i.e. seeing my son next weekend, is now not happening, is making things all the much worse. Also, being that Jill just dropped off her cd of pictures which include the ones of the boy and I, during our night in Plaka, really doesn't help the situation...

I can't remember a time I held hands with someone and did all the standard couply things and it didn't make me nervous and twitchy. It felt like a relationship. I think I might have gotten in much farther than either of us anticipated. And I miss him. there is no rim.

cabbages and kings
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